Ep 78 Planning through a values based lens: dreaming

'Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning' Gloria Steinem

This episode we dive back into planning through a non-typical angle - dreaming.

If the type of business and way of showing up in the world doesn't already exist then it's up to you to dream into it. So, before you put pen to paper on the calendar let's take a moment to dream.

In this episode I've got some prompts and questions for you to get started.

Let's dive in.

Links, resources & mentions

Finding your values part 1 of a series Dietitian Values Podcast

Planning through a values based lens podcast series:

Dreaming Prompts Download


Ep 79 Planning through a values based lens: Rhythms


Ep 77 Planning through a values based lens Part 1: Reflection