Ep 66 Boundaries vs rules

Are you establishing boundaries or setting rules? And what’s the difference?

That's the question I want to chat about in today's episode.

It seems conversations about boundaries abound - but I think we need a little more clarity and some curiosity to what is really going on for most of us when we set boundaries.

And of course, let's bring along a values driven lens as we go.

Let's dive in.

Links, resources & mentions

Boundaries & business Dietitian Values Ep 53

Relating, boundaries & values with James-Olivia Chu Hillman Dietitian Values Podcast Ep 39

Turning your values towards yourself Dietitian Values Podcast Ep 44

Are you including you in your business Dietitian Values Podcast Ep 35


Ep 67: The problem with work-life balance


Ep 65: Professional vs personal values