Ep 84: Slow down….and think critically

Busy-ness is worn as a badge. It's culturally and socially put up on a pedestal. If you're busy then you are doing things, going somewhere right? Right?!!

Why are we so encouraged to get swept up in urgency mode?

Who benefits when you are focussed on moving forward and doing more?

And what if busy-ness is merely a distraction. 

What are you rushing towards?

If you're rushing to 'save time' what are you using that saved time for?

If you're rushing to avoid the fear of missing something, of being left behind what are you missing in the here and now?

Just a few of the questions I've got for you in today's episode. And ultimately the big questions - what moves you towards your values aligned business and life?

Let's dive in.


Ep 85 Success, values and relationships in business with Natalie Mullins


Ep 83: What do you need more of in 2023?