Ep 160: Is burnout looming?

As we move into the last part of the calendar year it's a classic time for burnout to strike.

In this episode I want to offer an invitation to pause, check in and see where you're at.

And if you are a frequent flyer in the burnout cycle I want to encourage you to look out for any burnout markers and put in place space to do so frequently as we move towards the end of the year.

I'm also planting a seed for a values based shift in your relationship with yourself and work when it comes to how you think about and respond to burnout. For things to change we need to get back to the root, the values.

Let's dive in.

Links, resources & mentions

Burnout & values Ep 59

Burnout & bandaids Ep 122

Knowing your capacity Ep 123


Ep 161: Finding a niche - the what & the why


Ep 159: Yes, you can say no